Mercari Hackathon China 2018, in Tokyo 25 September 2018 Memory In the past few days, I had a very happy time because I participated in Mercari Hackathon China 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. It was my second hackathon this year, and it was as wonderful as the previous one. This time, I visited Tokyo and made new friends, and got to know what kind of company Mercari was. I arrived in Tokyo in 19th Sept. The staff of Mercari greeted us at the airport and arranged for a special car to send us to the hotel. After that, we went to the Roppongi Building where Mercari office was located and attended the opening ceremony. The dinner there was very delicious and I ate a lot of Sashimi! In September 20th, we stated the hackathon speeching and voting session. I showed my idea and product (A website for campus students to share idle goods, knowledge, help, life and anything with each others.) to the members of my group and tried to convince them to vote for me to make final presentation in front of everyone. Luckily, I was chosen as one of the finalists by my group members and talked about my product and technology in the final competition. In the meantime, I saw some pretty excellent products made by other finalists and knew that I should learn from them to improve my product. Although I did not get the final biggest prize, I made some good friends and saw some exciting technology and had a very good time on that day. On the next few days, we had interviews from Mercari for job, visited some famous spots in Tokyo, like Tokyo Sky Tree, Asakusa Temple, Akihabara and so on. Though it was not my first time in Tokyo, it was always interesting to have fun with my friends. Tokyo is one of my favorite cities, and Mercari is one of my dream companies. I think working in Mercari will be good, as long as I can do the job that I can enjoy and get a salary that I deserve. では、さようならまた会おう。
本猫的2018年实习&秋招留念 (本篇按中文口语化进行叙述,因为作者最近心系于毕业论文,比较随性) 2019年就要硕士毕业了,虽然硕士阶段犹豫过要不要继续读个博呢,想了想最后还是算了,毕竟穷,赚钱要紧,因此2018年要把自己卖个好价钱。大致想来从今年3月份开始,就在陆陆续续找实习和全职(FTE)offer了,时间段大致集中在3月-4月面实习offer,7月底-10月底面FTE[...]
2018 Disney Inspiration Run, Shanghai Today, I had a good time in Shanghai Disney Resort, because I took part in[...]