Thinking about housing

Recently I feel like it is time to look for another mansion to live in Tokyo. Time flies, I have been living in my current mansion in Asakusa for nearly 2 years. The


今天是2020年11月5日,没什么特殊意义。纯粹是因为突然想起了这个荒废已久的博客,意外顺利地登录进来后,想要提笔写点东西。写点什么呢,那就随便谈一谈今年发生的事情吧。 今年到此为止唯一值得被载入史册的事件自然是新冠病毒席卷全球了。我本来打算2月份左右回国一趟,后来因为新冠在武汉爆发进而在全中国爆发,所以暂时打消了回国的念头。后来我司决定让员工们在家远程上班,所以我就从2月份开始一直在家上班,直到最近9月份才去公司办了点杂事。 在家办公期间,有段心理上十分艰难的时光。孤独、恐惧、甚至抑郁,这些负面因素能够随时把我淹没。那段时间的睡眠质量也非常差,经常躺在床上连续2个小时睡不着觉。有时就算身体比较累,但是精神依然很活跃,虽然现在已经忘记了当时在想什么,估计是在为未知的危险明天而提心吊胆吧。那时也经常感到呼吸不顺,但是血氧计测出来是正常水平,想必是心理压力过大了。 因此大概在4、5月份的时候,我在想要不直接回国得了,起码有亲人和朋友们陪伴。

Some thoughts on C++

Around the Spring Festival this year, I finished reading two technical books, one was Inside the C++ Object Model, the other was The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. To some extent, both

Neural World Determination

Can Neural Network represent everything, even the whole world? Yesterday, I heard the following dialogue: A: The World Cup tonight is Argentina against France. B: When I was watching the Argentina, it never