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记一次职场中心灵创伤的慢性恢复(Trauma in career) 今年五月份左右,突然意识到自己最近一年在工作中,几乎处于一种从一年多前遭受的心灵创伤的慢性恢复之中。至于是什么创伤,具体不谈了,简而言之一句话:所有的努力不仅都喂了狗,还被狗狠狠咬了好几口(突然上线的求生欲:如有雷同,纯属巧合)。那时候因为这些创伤,心灰意冷,略感绝望,迫切想要换个新的工作环境,也做了一些努力,最后幸运地成功了(此处感谢新环境的收留之恩)。然而,我直到最近才突然意识到,虽然环境改变了,自己那时候也以为过去的一切将不会再影响我,但其实,创伤带来的负面影响还在持续,但是我一直以来都没有意识到这一点。现在突然醒悟之后,做出的总结如下:仿佛就是自我的内核产生了破碎,直至最近才修补完毕,也是等到修补完毕之后,才突然意识到曾经有破碎过这件事情。当然,就算修补完成了,
Technical design: Automated greeting on an online procurement website Let's create a basic technical design for an online procurement website. The website caters to millions of purchasers who are searching for suitable suppliers. Purchasers can share their procurement requirements along with all
Transition from Machine Learning Engineer to Full Stack Software Engineer I changed my job in August 2021, from a machine learning engineer to a software engineer.Before the transition, working as a machine learning engineer in my previous company is generally a memorable
Thinking about housing Recently I feel like it is time to look for another mansion to live in Tokyo. Time flies, I have been living in my current mansion in Asakusa for nearly 2 years. The
2020回国+隔离记录 自从2019年9月份从上海飞去日本东京开始工作后,我已经一年多没有回过家了。本来美滋滋打算每年可以搭乘“千元机”从东京直飞宁波回家起码一次吧,到后面我发现“千元机”都变成“万元机”了还不一定有票。在犹犹豫豫、拖拖延延中,我终于在今年10月份买好了回国的机票,并顺利在12月13号从东京起飞回到了深圳。 “五个一”航空政策实施以来,从日本回国的机票一开始是完全买不到。后来终于有票了,但贵的离谱,最高能达到5万人民币。再后来,我看着机票价格一路降到了3万、1万、1万以下,在预估好时间和钱包承受能力后,最终买了深圳航空从东京飞往深圳的机票,打算在深圳隔离结束后再从深圳飞回宁波。 回国之前,需要在登机前两日内去驻日大使馆指定的机构进行新冠的核酸检测和血清检测,只有获得这两个检测的双阴性证明,才能被允许登上飞机。(所以万一在检测后发现自己被感染了,就回不到祖国爸爸的怀抱了TT。
One year after working in Mercari Ever since I sold myself to society in 2018, I embarked on the road for working with no turn-back. I chose Mercari as the first company to start a full-time job. The flight
2020杂记 今天是2020年11月5日,没什么特殊意义。纯粹是因为突然想起了这个荒废已久的博客,意外顺利地登录进来后,想要提笔写点东西。写点什么呢,那就随便谈一谈今年发生的事情吧。 今年到此为止唯一值得被载入史册的事件自然是新冠病毒席卷全球了。我本来打算2月份左右回国一趟,后来因为新冠在武汉爆发进而在全中国爆发,所以暂时打消了回国的念头。后来我司决定让员工们在家远程上班,所以我就从2月份开始一直在家上班,直到最近9月份才去公司办了点杂事。 在家办公期间,有段心理上十分艰难的时光。孤独、恐惧、甚至抑郁,这些负面因素能够随时把我淹没。那段时间的睡眠质量也非常差,经常躺在床上连续2个小时睡不着觉。有时就算身体比较累,但是精神依然很活跃,虽然现在已经忘记了当时在想什么,估计是在为未知的危险明天而提心吊胆吧。那时也经常感到呼吸不顺,但是血氧计测出来是正常水平,想必是心理压力过大了。 因此大概在4、5月份的时候,我在想要不直接回国得了,起码有亲人和朋友们陪伴。
Life in Tokyo, compared to Hangzhou #02 (about social applications) Today I want to talk about social applications. The biggest problem I face with social softwares available in Tokyo is that I have too many options, and none of them can meet my
Life in Tokyo, compared to Hangzhou #01 (about delivery) So this time, I have been in Tokyo for two and a half months, and I think I am used to life here. I remember the first few days in Tokyo this time
To be continued So many months no updating my blog, I think it is the time to write something new. My life has changed a lot since I started to work in another country and met