One year after working in Mercari 25 December 2020 Ever since I sold myself to society in 2018, I embarked on the road for working with no turn-back. I chose Mercari as the first company to start a full-time job. The flight to Tokyo was in late September 2019. And I joined Mercari on 2019.10.01 as a new grad. Then I had to take part in a 2-month training. It's interesting, though didn't help much in terms of technology. After that, I had a skill test with other new grads and an interview to see if I could be assigned to the team according to my expectations. Fortunately, I was able to join my first wish team, the ML listing team. Though Mercari is a pure Japanese company founded by the Japanese, it has a fairly good international culture compared to some famous American companies ( such as Google, Facebook, etc.). There are pretty many foreign engineers in the company, and English is one of our official languages. In my team, there are no Japanese engineers. My manager is from France and my tech leader is from America. So I only communicate with them in English, which is why my Japanese is still not good enough. Before Covid-19, we had a fixed core time work style. On every workday, employees must be in the office between 12 pm to 4 pm. And we could decide when to start work and when to end work, as long as we could ensure to work for 8 hours each workday. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, Mercari asked us to work from home since this February, and I have been working from my small home in Tokyo for nearly 1 year. Later, Mercari revised the work style rules. We have shifted from a fixed core time work style to a more flexible free work style. As long as we can ensure 8 hours of work each workday, we can do our work at any time. Of course, we also need to make sure that meetings are held as usual. During the past 1 year, I have been more of a data analyst than a model magician. Here in Mercari, we have many tasks to complete, but in the meantime, due to the lack of useful training data, many of these tasks cannot be performed now. One of my responsibilities here is to think about how to improve the situation and make real ML/DL practices possible. And I believe that as I spend more time on my career in Mercari, I can gradually come up with real ML solutions for our business.
2020回国+隔离记录 自从2019年9月份从上海飞去日本东京开始工作后,我已经一年多没有回过家了。本来美滋滋打算每年可以搭乘“千元机”从东京直飞宁波回家起码一次吧,到后面我发现“千元机”都变成“万元机”了还不一定有票。在犹犹豫豫、拖拖延延中,我终于在今年10月份买好了回国的机票,并顺利在12月13号从东京起飞回到了深圳。 “五个一”[...]
2020杂记 今天是2020年11月5日,没什么特殊意义。纯粹是因为突然想起了这个荒废已久的博客,意外顺利地登录进来后,想要提笔写点东西。写点什么呢,那就随便谈一谈今年发生的事情吧。 今年到此为止唯一值得被载入史册的事件自然是新冠病毒席卷全球了。我本来打算2月份左右回国一趟,后来因为新冠在武汉爆发进而在全中国爆发,所以暂时打消了回国的念头。后来我司决定让员工们在家远程上班,所以我就从2月份开始一直在家上班,直到最近9月份才去公司办了点杂事。 在家办公期间,[...]