Life in Tokyo, compared to Hangzhou #02 (about social applications) 14 December 2019 Tokyo Today I want to talk about social applications. The biggest problem I face with social softwares available in Tokyo is that I have too many options, and none of them can meet my all needs. In other words, I have to use multiple softwares at the same time. Some of my friends mainly use APP 1, some mainly use APP 2, some mainly use APP 3, and so on. Here are some social softwares I have used in Tokyo so far: Line: Similar to WeChat. It is mainly used for direct communication with others I think. Line Pay is built in, and I can use it to pay stores and friends(like WeChat Pay and Alipay). Also, you can make a post there and your friends can view and comment(like the Moments function built in WeChat). One drawback I found was the limited number of stores that support Line Pay, so I can't use it all the time. Twitter: It is mainly used for posting with a word limit. All users in Twitter can view and comment on your posts, they can also retweet your posts. Also, you can send direct messages to others. No payment function. I like to use it to post my daily thoughts. Facebook: Mainly similar to the Moments function built in WeChat. If you want to communicate with others directly, Facebook will automatically redirect to another software called Messenger. Messenger: Facebook-related communication tool. Instagram: Like weaker Twitter. Whatsapp: Mainly for communication. For some reasons, all the 6 softwares I mentioned above cannot be used in China. And instead, we have WeChat, the most perfect social application, that can meet all my needs. When I was in China, after I got a new mobile phone, the first application I would download must be WeChat. Because I mainly use it to contact with my family and friends, by text, voice and video. Also, I use WeChat Pay to process most currency transactions, not only for online shopping, but also in most stores in Hangzhou, and even hospitals. I can also use WeChat to rent a shared bike as well as to call a taxi. My ID information can be tied to my WeChat account, so I can use it to access many public resources, such as online registration for hospitals. WeChat is also a good platform to see posts of my friends there. One good thing is, if someone is not my WeChat friend, the person cannot see my posts. I think it does protect my privacy. Last but not least, as a lazy person, I prefer a complete software to many incomplete ones.
2020杂记 今天是2020年11月5日,没什么特殊意义。纯粹是因为突然想起了这个荒废已久的博客,意外顺利地登录进来后,想要提笔写点东西。写点什么呢,那就随便谈一谈今年发生的事情吧。 今年到此为止唯一值得被载入史册的事件自然是新冠病毒席卷全球了。我本来打算2月份左右回国一趟,后来因为新冠在武汉爆发进而在全中国爆发,所以暂时打消了回国的念头。后来我司决定让员工们在家远程上班,所以我就从2月份开始一直在家上班,直到最近9月份才去公司办了点杂事。 在家办公期间,[...]
Life in Tokyo, compared to Hangzhou #01 (about delivery) So this time, I have been in Tokyo for two and a half months, and[...]