Some thoughts on C++ 13 February 2019 Thoughts Around the Spring Festival this year, I finished reading two technical books, one was Inside the C++ Object Model, the other was The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. To some extent, both books are exhortations from C++ experts, and I saw a lot in both books that do not use C++ to do this or that. C++ is my favorite programming language, but I must admit that it is really hard to grasp the essence of it. For me, the difficulties in learning C++ lie in two aspects: one is the various features of object-oriented languages, including inheritance and polymorphism (involving various pointer and reference operations related to Virtual), the other is ABI (Application Binary Interface) without standard definition in C++, thus each major manufacturer has its own way of implementation. It is easy to get stuck in the design idea of one programming language if I am always in touch with this language. Later, I hope to have time to get a deeper understanding of JAVA and its memory model, and to distinguish the differences between C++ and JAVA.
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本猫的2018年实习&秋招留念 (本篇按中文口语化进行叙述,因为作者最近心系于毕业论文,比较随性) 2019年就要硕士毕业了,虽然硕士阶段犹豫过要不要继续读个博呢,想了想最后还是算了,毕竟穷,赚钱要紧,因此2018年要把自己卖个好价钱。大致想来从今年3月份开始,就在陆陆续续找实习和全职(FTE)offer了,时间段大致集中在3月-4月面实习offer,7月底-10月底面FTE[...]