To be continued

So many months no updating my blog, I think it is the time to write something new. My life has changed a lot since I started to work in another country and met

Some thoughts on C++

Around the Spring Festival this year, I finished reading two technical books, one was Inside the C++ Object Model, the other was The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. To some extent, both


(本篇按中文口语化进行叙述,因为作者最近心系于毕业论文,比较随性) 2019年就要硕士毕业了,虽然硕士阶段犹豫过要不要继续读个博呢,想了想最后还是算了,毕竟穷,赚钱要紧,因此2018年要把自己卖个好价钱。大致想来从今年3月份开始,就在陆陆续续找实习和全职(FTE)offer了,时间段大致集中在3月-4月面实习offer,7月底-10月底面FTE offer。不同时间段心境不同,挑选的公司类型也大不相同,可能昨天还想着去加班型创业公司好好拼搏,明天就想着找个大企业养老保命要紧。 找实习阶段比较倾向于规模较大的创业公司,也愿意离开杭州呆几个月,因此投了依图医疗(杭州)、旷视科技(北京)、拼多多(上海),又按照惯例投了阿里(杭州)、腾讯(投了上海,调剂到了深圳)

Neural World Determination

Can Neural Network represent everything, even the whole world? Yesterday, I heard the following dialogue: A: The World Cup tonight is Argentina against France. B: When I was watching the Argentina, it never