How to Complete a Half Marathon? It is not easy to start a marathon, like running 10KM or even 21.0975KM. To ensure safety, runners should develop training plans and gradually achieve their goals. As someone who had completed
Some thoughts on C++ Around the Spring Festival this year, I finished reading two technical books, one was Inside the C++ Object Model, the other was The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. To some extent, both
本猫的2018年实习&秋招留念 (本篇按中文口语化进行叙述,因为作者最近心系于毕业论文,比较随性) 2019年就要硕士毕业了,虽然硕士阶段犹豫过要不要继续读个博呢,想了想最后还是算了,毕竟穷,赚钱要紧,因此2018年要把自己卖个好价钱。大致想来从今年3月份开始,就在陆陆续续找实习和全职(FTE)offer了,时间段大致集中在3月-4月面实习offer,7月底-10月底面FTE offer。不同时间段心境不同,挑选的公司类型也大不相同,可能昨天还想着去加班型创业公司好好拼搏,明天就想着找个大企业养老保命要紧。 找实习阶段比较倾向于规模较大的创业公司,也愿意离开杭州呆几个月,因此投了依图医疗(杭州)、旷视科技(北京)、拼多多(上海),又按照惯例投了阿里(杭州)、腾讯(投了上海,调剂到了深圳)
Mercari Hackathon China 2018, in Tokyo In the past few days, I had a very happy time because I participated in Mercari Hackathon China 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. It was my second hackathon this year, and it was as
2018 Disney Inspiration Run, Shanghai Today, I had a good time in Shanghai Disney Resort, because I took part in 2018 Disney Inspiration 10K Run there. It is pretty meaningful to participate in Disney's marathon. When I was
Google Girl Hackathon Season IV, Shanghai This year, I am lucky to have the opportunity to participate in Google Girl Hackathon Season IV in Shanghai, from 6th July to 8th July. I made friends with my teammates and developed
Neural World Determination Can Neural Network represent everything, even the whole world? Yesterday, I heard the following dialogue: A: The World Cup tonight is Argentina against France. B: When I was watching the Argentina, it never
Why is Microsoft so respectable, at least for its future engineers? Recently, I have contacted with Microsoft several times, because I took part in its internship interview and got the offer, and knew more about this company than before. As an engineer, I think
Are We Neurons in Networks? There is an interesting assumption, brain in a vat, which supposes what we see or what we feel are exactly programmed by certain computer, and we do not realize it. And the movie
As an AI Researcher in Liulishuo This post is about casual internship life, not professional skills. After my second time finishing the great course Stanford CS231n, I was curious and anxious to know what I could do about Deep
As a Software Development Engineer in NetEase This post is about casual internship life, not professional skills. I started my internship as a front end development engineer in the Mail Business Department of NetEase in April 2015, and changed my